Gallery . Paper . Gifts


It's the name game! We love to personalize. Pick from one of these sample cards below, then follow the steps to make it yours.

Custom Crest Painting

Custom Crest Painting


Would you like your very own crest? You’ve come to the right place!

Lauren would be happy to make you a custom crest to either use as a PDF file, or on any of Lauren’s many paper offerings. This crest is just a starting point for so much more!

Once you click “add to cart,” you will be able to submit your design requests and other information.

If you would like to discuss details before purchasing, you can fill out this custom order form.

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Mini Floral Stationery IMG_6117.jpg

Mini Floral Stationery

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Crest Square tags

IMG_6623.jpg IMG_6628.jpg

Crest extra small notes

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Luggage Tags

Double Block Stationery

Double Block Stationery
